Every organization is built on the thoughts, experiences and artifacts of its participants. This page lists some writings relevant to the Peermore attitude and philosophy.
- The Computer as Tool: From Interaction To Augmentation
- A final paper from a graduate level course in Human Computer Interaction. It suggests a design approach wherein computers and computer applications are thought of as tools rather than interactive devices. This is the subtle difference between doing something with a computer and requesting a computer do something for you. This paper was instrumental in forming the Blue Oxen Way, a framework for a philsophy of collaboration.
- Peer Pressure
- Chris Dent's blog about being and making the web, replaces by anticdent.org.
- TiddlyWeb: HTTP for Tiddlers
- A paper submitted to WS-REST 2010 describing the practical lessons learned from attempting to implement a generally useful REST API. The paper show where tradeoffs between theory and practice are required. It was not accepted but the experience was very positive.
- Inverting the Social Web with Internet Banks of Content
- Submission to Federated Social Web, 2011 describing a concept for a federated social web that separates data storage from presentation services.